If you want to draw more clients into your law firm, then you may decide to start investing in some serious marketing tactics. This is a good idea and one of the best marketing strategies is to develop your website. A strong internet presence is essential, because the vast majority of individuals search for products and services online. One thing you need to consider when developing your website is how to establish a blog that will pique interest. Keep reading to learn about some blog mistakes to avoid so your website can be successful.

Mistake - Using Legal Jargon

Potential clients will happen onto your blog when they search for the answer to a legal question. This is extremely common, especially since many people know very little about the ever-changing and complicated legal system in the United States. For example, individuals may want to know the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony or they may be curious about terms like aggravated or constitutional law mean. 

In other words, the people who are searching out information are individuals who do not know the law. This means that you need to write to the average citizen instead of your legal colleagues. While you do want to show your knowledge and expertise, try to minimize legal wording as much as possible. If you want to educate the public with legal terms, then make sure that each term is clearly explained. This will cut down on confusion and will assist potential clients in understanding some basics about the law.

Also, in general, you should understand that the average American reads at a 7th or 8th grade reading level. This means that overall you should keep language simple. Imagine talking to a friend and write blogs in a similar manner.

Mistake - Not Updating Your Blog

As a legal professional, you may not have a lot of time to draft blogs. However, fresh blogs will do a few different things for you. They will help your search engine rankings and move your website closer to the first page of google. The more traffic your blog brings in, the higher your rating, so focus on topics and ideas that individuals are already searching for. You can complete your own internet searches to understand what these topics are or you can search for recent legal questions on a website like Quora.

An updated blog also makes you appear active so potential clients know that you are a serious legal professional. Inactive blogs can signal a law firm that has gone out of business or that is not interesting in growing. 

When you do start to post blogs, make sure to do so on a scheduled basis. Weekly blogs are a great idea, but you can focus on adding a new post every two to four weeks if this time frame works better for you. When you update, make sure to let followers know on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media websites. 

Contact an attorney marketing company for more help.
